Yá mǝn ḥayátǝk εáf—tălta ak tǝxǝddǝm, Asíd tăβdǝd εáf-éγăf-ǝnnăs.
'A woman that does not work until she will stand on her head'
- Most of this formula is the same as last riddle.
- tăβdǝd 3sg.f.aor. 'to stand upright'
- εáf-'on', a common Berber preposition, with an irregular (but quite common) γ> ε shift (in IPA that's [ʁ] > [ʕ]).
- éγăf-ǝnnăs'her head', with an amazing etymological repetition. εáf-'on', is derived from this word 'head'.
Tažnent'a conical bread basket'. It's interesting that they identify the 'bottom' of the basket as a 'head' because its conical. Probably because these baskets were stored up-side-down (or right-side-up in the Ghadamsi mind.)
Tadǝnt'A wooden mortar'. It is too bad that Lanfry did not supply an image of what this looked like. I have trouble imagining why the bottom of a mortar would be considered its 'head'. But my guess is that they are also conical in shape.