- Western/Kabyle
- Tashl. iḍ pl. aḍan
- CMB iḍ pl. iḍan
- Kb. iḍ pl. uḍan, aḍan
- Zenatic
- Fig. iḍ pl. iḍan
- Rif. iḍa 'currently'
- Mzab iḍ pl. iyḍan
- Ouar. iḍ pl. iyḍan
- Foq. ayyəḍ
- Libyan
- Ghd. eβăḍ pl. eβăḍawăn
- Nef. iṭ pl. iṭawən
- Awj. ávəṭ pl. vəṭáwən
- Southern
- Zng. īḏ̣ pl. āḏ̣an
It is not entirely clear whether the initial vowel is part (i.e. *eβăḍ) of the stem or simply the prefix (i.e. *e-βăḍ). In either cases, it seems clear that the prefix is the result of Pre-Proto-Berber Mid Vowel Harmony and at an earliest stages should be reconstructed as *aβăḍ, *a-βăd. The plural formation is quite difficult to reconstruct. For a discussion see Van Putten (2018: {18}).
This root has a fairly compelling cognate in Chadic, where we find roots such as Proto-Central Chadic *viɗ.
Kossmann (1999: 96 {189})
Taine-Cheikh (2008: 263, n. 543)
NZ: Ḍ8